Frequently asked questions.
What should I expect at my first consultation?
An initial examination will be performed to address the area of concern, which may include a series of questions along with a movement analysis. An individualized treatment plan will be discussed and the first treatment may begin that day.
What should I wear at my first appointment?
Wear comfortable shoes and clothing on your first appointment that allows for full movement, especially in the area of concerns.
Do I need a physicians referral to make an appointment?
A referral is not required by the State of California, however, it may be required by your insurance provider. If a third party payor (i.e. health insurance) will be billed for your physical therapy services, please follow the policy and procedures of that agency.
What insurances are accepted?
We accept most PPO insurances, Medicare and Worker’s Compensation health care plans. Please see list of insurance accepted.
If you are unsure if your health insurance is accepted at Montoya Physical Therapy and Wellness, please call us at (661) 679-6238.
What should I bring to my initial consultation?
Please bring a photo ID, your insurance card, a current credit card, and a completed copy of the following forms, available in the patient packet on our Forms Page:
Medical History Form
Patient Registration Form
Medical Release Form
Patient Health Questionnaire
Limited Consent and Liability Form
Notice of Privacy Practices
Your Referral Form
referral or RX from your doctor (if you have)
Click here to go to our Forms Page
If you don’t complete forms and take them with you to first visit, please arrive 15 minutes early to complete.
How long is each visit?
The initial consultation will take approximately one hour. Each subsequent visit can range from 30 to 60 minutes depending on your treatment plan.
Is the paperwork to be completed prior to my first visit?
Please bring a completed copy of the following forms, available in the patient packet on our Forms Page:
Medical History Form
Patient Registration Form
Medical Release Form
Patient Health Questionnaire
Limited Consent and Liability Form
Notice of Privacy Practices
Your Referral Form
referral or RX from your doctor (if you have)
Click here to go to our Forms Page
If you would like to complete the forms in the office, please arrive 15 minutes earlier than your appointment time.